Reverend Fred Harper Feb 1964
[This is a letter that my grandfather (the late Reverend Fred R. Harper) wrote to my mother. I have not edited his letter but am typing it exactly as he wrote it except I used an asterisk to indicate an underline because my keyboard shortcut quit working.]
My dear little Sue-Nell-i-Kin:
Surely enjoyed your newsy letter. Just hope that Dixie cup, comes through with a nice big sum. Better still may they put you on a royalty basis that will give you an income from here on out. I am so sorry that the baby bottle company didn't pay you for your idea. Your mother paid me a big, big compliment. She said that you took those "dreamy" ideas after me. When I was pastor at Cainsville, I wrote the Air Base of Toledo, Ohio, suggesting that planes, or satellites could be powered by sunlight by putting "solar" batteries on the wing. They replied that it would not be powerfull enough to lift a bomber. I saw the pictures of the moon satellite and noted that they had put solar powered wings on it that folded out to cath the sun light after it had gotten out of the earth's atmosphere. As the technique improves for catching the electrical power of sunlight, solar planes will go to Mars, etc. Also at the same time I wrote them about painting a balloon with aluminum and anchoring it say 150 feet high so that I could get television signals from St. Joseph and Kansas City. They replied that it would not work, because of storms blowing it down. Since then some man has patented the idea, and has the outfit on the market. Also the government is using the same idea in Telstar and other communications satellites.
As to the picture, I had thought of an oil painting but if you had rather paint in water colors that would be o.k. I used to paint a little but I used either oils or charcoal. I never could do too well with water colors. It is a little difficult for me to paint in colors because I have a little color blindness. Since the colors usually have names on them and I have a colored picture to go by I *might* get by. I had rather risk your eyes and your painting ability than mine. As to the size, I will leave that up to you. Any size from 16 X 20 up. You can paint it on canvas, cardboard, hard board, plywood, etc. or whatever is easiest for you. I am enclosing $5.00 to buy your materials. When the picture is done I will send you another $5.00.
I am sending you two pictures. You can enlarge and paint either one you had rather. The river is Big Sandy that runs right down the side of my 40 acres. The other is a scene right on the 40.- whichever picture is the easiest for you to paint.
I wish that I had a nice colored picture of the Sabal Palms on the Florida land. If I had one, I would give you another job.
Tell old man Ward hello for me. Hope that he is selling cars by the "jillions," and rolling in green backs by the fist fulls. Kiss and squeeze all the kids for me. While you are at it, blow me a barrel of kisses.
Your Dad
{On the back of the last page, mom's mother, Jesse Clark Harper wrote too:}
Dear Suenell, Since your pa is writing, I will drop you a few lines. We probably won't go to Joan's before the 2nd week in March. Any way when we do go we will be careful. When school is out why not plan to come and stay a week. Ward could get a long with out you that long. Could he not? Do you remember how to teach school after being out so long?
Suenell, I wish I could do the many things you seem to be able to do. It would help to keep my mind occupied. I have been reading and crocheting. I have quit trying to keep house. I do a little cooking and dish washing. Georgia is after Opal & also to go out there and bring us. I don't know about it yet.