Some 20 years ago my parents began putting some of their childhood memories to paper at my rather nagging and repetitive insistence. I was a young parent and wanted my children to know what everyday life had been like for their grandparents growing up in the 1930s and 1940s. I was rather lucky because both my parents complied. I hope other family members will add their own stories here.

Friday, July 21, 2006

A New Family Story June 2006

I went to Cincinnati back in late spring ostensibly to help Suzanne get ready for her big move out west. In truth, I felt a fluttery sort of panic at the thought of not seeing her before she drove her wagon west and even though I had every good intention to help her pack things, I really did little more than chat and visit.

One afternoon I went with Suzanne to the Apple store where she worked. I was going to hang out at the Apple store for a short period and then go see "The DaVinci Code" while waiting for her to get off work. As we entered the mall, one of Suzanne's workmates happened to be leaving and Suzanne stopped to introduce me to her.

She said hello to the girl and then turned to indicate me and said, "This is my sister Suzanne...." The co-worker sort of did a restrained double-take and said, "Both your names are Suzanne?"

If I had been a quick thinker I would have answered yes but I was laughing too hard anyway.


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