Some 20 years ago my parents began putting some of their childhood memories to paper at my rather nagging and repetitive insistence. I was a young parent and wanted my children to know what everyday life had been like for their grandparents growing up in the 1930s and 1940s. I was rather lucky because both my parents complied. I hope other family members will add their own stories here.

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Sue Poag, Phoenix Arizona ca. 1935 cont'd

In the following post, mom wrote of what she could remember of being five years old in Phoenix. - Karen

Two ladies from church decided they would buy a pair of shoes for me. We spent hours looking for shoes. Later they told my mom it took forever to find a pair of shoes narrow enough for me. Mom said she didn't know I had narrow feet until then.

They had an x-ray machine at the shoe store. I can remember looking down into the machine at the bones in my feet.

I was persuaded to dress up like a bride and Bobby Rainwater like a groom and we pulled a red wagon full of gifts into a bridal shower.

Mom had my long hair permed with an electric machine that burned my scalp and I remember these women stood around me fanning me with paper fans.

I saw a Shirley Temple movie at the theater.

Joan was born.

Georgia and Opal had a steady stream of beaus although Mr. Sterling Hedgepath always told me he was going to wait on me to grow up and he took me for a ride in the side-car on his motorcycle.


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