Sue Poag, Phoenix Arizona ca. 1935 cont'd

In the following post, mom wrote of what she could remember of being five years old in Phoenix. - Karen
Two ladies from church decided they would buy a pair of shoes for me. We spent hours looking for shoes. Later they told my mom it took forever to find a pair of shoes narrow enough for me. Mom said she didn't know I had narrow feet until then.
They had an x-ray machine at the shoe store. I can remember looking down into the machine at the bones in my feet.
I was persuaded to dress up like a bride and Bobby Rainwater like a groom and we pulled a red wagon full of gifts into a bridal shower.
Mom had my long hair permed with an electric machine that burned my scalp and I remember these women stood around me fanning me with paper fans.
I saw a Shirley Temple movie at the theater.
Joan was born.
Georgia and Opal had a steady stream of beaus although Mr. Sterling Hedgepath always told me he was going to wait on me to grow up and he took me for a ride in the side-car on his motorcycle.
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